I'm just gonna start off by saying that I am truly impressed by this razor. I will admit that there are a few things that I didn't like but I will get into that later. the first thing that I liked about the shaver is how easy it is to use. it is perfect for when you're on the go and noticed you missed a spot while shaving, with this razor it is so easy to take care of those spots you missed. the second I like about it is how quiet it is. there is humming sound coming from it but nothing that is unbearable. the third thing that I liked is how gently it is. it doesn't even feel like its shaving at all. I first tested it out on my arm to see how well it would do and I was very impressed. I found that the best way to use it is small circular motions will do the job. it has been a week since I shaved my arm with it and the hair is just now starting to become that pokey annoying stubble. I could easily go another week before shaving it again. I also tried it out on my face and it did a decent job, I didn't get any irritation from it at all but, I'm sure it will vary from person to person. I can still feel maybe a slight stumble but the baby hairs are definitely a lot smaller now. Now I will give a few things that I wasn't a fan of, or that some people might not like about this shaver. the first thing is that after a couple minutes of using it the shaver head will get slightly warm but nothing that I found alarming. Another thing is that when I tried it on my legs I didn't get as clean as a shave as I thought I would have. it definitely shaved the hair but it leaves it like that annoying pokey stable. Another thing that people might not like but didn't bother me as much is that if you're using it for longer hair you will feel a slight pinch/ pull from the razor shazing the hair. the fourth thing that I didn't like so much was the shape of the product especially with the cap/ top on, it looks like a vibrator so I wouldnt reccomend leaving it around the house if you live with someone or are going to have geust over that might see and feel a bit uncomfortable. lastly is that i found it a bit tidious to clean out the hair afterwards, especailly with the small brush they gave you. there are a few things that didn't like but overall I really like this shaver and it will come in handy this summer. If you would like to purchase it for yourself and try it out here is the link:
Lavany Ladys Electric Shaver
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"I received this product at a discount price in return for my honest and unbiased opinion. This is my 100% honest and unbiased opinion."